Saturday, March 3, 2018

God Answers Prayer

God answers prayer. 

I say this not because I have heard it, or had prayers answered in the past, but because I had a prayer answered this week...

My son inherited a ring from my father. Last Sunday, he took it off while he was showering, and somehow it fell down the drain in the shower. His wife told me he was devastated, and I can understand. I was very sad, myself.

It was Sunday, and he had to work, and the stores were closed in the little town where they live, and they didn't have the tools they needed...We talked on the phone, and gave advice, and offered financial assistance if needed, but they don't live close, so that was all we could physically do.

Monday they got some tools, and took the pipe apart, but couldn't find the ring. Well, I knew that it was just a thing, and that life goes on, but it was hard for all of us.

So Tuesday, as I was doing my day, I prayed God would help them find it. I had no doubt that He knew exactly where it was... 

That evening the phone rang. It was my son, telling me that he had taken the pipe apart before they used the shower again, and had dug a little deeper, and had found the ring! It was such a relief! I said to him, "God answers prayer!" and now I am affirming to you that God cares about us, and He answers prayer, even prayer about seemingly small, worldly things.
